Just More Facts On The Turf Wars Going On In Spider-Man

Spider-Man — Turf Wars – Just the Facts

A new “Just The Facts” video for Spider-Man is here to help explain more of what Spider-Man will have to handle in the DLC that has just dropped

The next DLC for Spider-Man is here and ready for those out there who have the Season Pass or looking to pick it up on its own. However you are aiming to keep the story going as Insomniac Games keeps pumping it all out there. It is one of the best games of the year to hit the PS4 and worth it. This is all stuff that we should all know for now, but it is time to have a look at what this new bit for Spider-Man is bringing in. Well beyond what we have already been told and shown in the trailers and images leading up to today. These things do seem to get repetitive after a while do they not?

In any instance, we have J. Johan Jameson back again dealing out his brand of information and facts for us all. Also spun with the slams against Spider-Man as we have all come to know over the years. It dives a bit deeper into the other aspects of the DLC that have not been touched on as of yet too. Like the fact that we will have more Screwball challenges to go up against here and just how much hurt the NYPD have on them. It is all a good argument on why Spider-Man is needed, but he will never claim that. Even when there is a new crime boss taking over the streets and causing havoc everywhere.

Spider-Man — Turf Wars – Just the Facts

Tune into Just the Facts with J. Jonah Jameson to learn more about the ruthless Maggia don, Hammerhead.

Have you dug into the DLC here for Spider-Man yet or are you waiting to have the whole experience in one spot? How do you think this will all pan out and will it place the blame on Sable more near the end? Do you think that we will see more supervillains in the game at some point or will Insomniac Games be holding the rest until the sequel comes out? Let us know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When more for Spider-Man pops up, we will have it here for you. Be sure to keep coming back to check it all out.

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