Japan: PSP Still #1 System In Weekly Sales

This may come as a surprise to those within the U.S. and Europe, as everyone knows how Nintendo holds the number one spot in system sales lately.  But does Nintendo hold that spot within it’s home country of Japan.  Surprising to many outside of Japan, Sony’s PSP is consistently holding that ranking according to the Media Create Software Chart.  How is it sustaining such a lead in sales you may ask.  Well the answer is simple for Japanese gamers, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, and since it’s release, has helped the PSP reach and maintain the #1 Spot.

During the week of May 12th to May 18th, the PSP system outsold the Nintendo Wii by almost 30,000 units and even has double the units sold of the Nintendo DS.  With a much better game library in Japan, it’s easy to see why it’s doing so well.  The real question is, can Sony bring that same enthusiasm to the PSP overseas to Europe and the U.S.?  Only time and a better library will tell. 



Credits to Kotaku.

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