Inside Is Coming Out For The PS4 Later This Month Now

Inside — PS4

It looks like Inside can no longer be thought of as a platform exclusive as Inside is now slated to release for the PS4 this month

If you were like me way back when Inside was originally announced, you may have thought that we would only be seeing the title hit the Xbox One and Windows through the usual means. Since it came out said platforms it has won Playdead many awards and made me even question why it was limited to just one platform. Well that is no more as it has been confirmed that Inside will be coming to the PS4 on August 23rd now so we can all experience what the team has worked on since Limbo did so well too. That or they wanted more awards to build a fort with.

There really isn’t much more to say for this other than that Inside is coming to the other platform. Given that this is yet another title that was shown off by Microsoft at E3, assumed to be an exclusive, and then turned out to not be I think we need to get better descriptors during these events. I get that Microsoft wants to be able to claim more exclusives but instead of making us think it all they should really give us the forward that we can “play it first on Xbox” instead. I guess that is just how marketing is going to keep playing things here and we need to wade through it all better.

Inside — PS4 Trailer

Are you glad to see that Inside will be coming to the PS4 now or does it matter to you? Did you feel left out before or did you get another reason to love or purchase the Xbox here? Do you agree that we need fewer confusing release cycles like this and others and media relations needs to be more forthcoming with “timed exclusive” when presenting? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. For more on Inside and other games like it be sure to stay right here as we will have all the updates we can get.

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