Ignition Entertainment holding Zombie launch party

Ignition Entertainment is hosting a launch party this Saturday, April 12th at Nintendo World for the launch of Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys.

Like a Zombie game isn’t enough to get you there, Ignition has partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters to help out disadvantaged children. If you purchase the DS game before the release date at the event, all the proceeds will be going to BBBS of NYC. Which is reason enough to go.

From Noon – 4pm, the public can go and play demos, have your picture taken with Zombies and get a free gift bag.

“We’re very excited to partner with an organization such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC which continues to change the lives of New York City’s children,” said Ajay Chadha, president of Ignition Entertainment. “The adult mentors are heroes to the children in BBBS of NYC’s programs. Our goal is to provide resources to help BBBS of NYC continue to match each child with a mentor to help guide them to a brighter future.”

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