It has been announced that Hunt: Showdown will be coming to Steam with an Early Access to help Hunt: Showdown be the game the team wanted to make
After the gameplay we had earlier in the week for Hunt: Showdown it would make sense that you are all amped up and ready to jump into the game and get out there taking down these huge hell-beasts. I have wanted to do that since I first saw the game’s new version back at E3 when Crytek was showing it off. With no solid release date in sight for Hunt: Showdown on any of the platforms, it only makes the anticipation that much more intense. As it turns out though, those who want to get in on the game early will have the option to do so on the PC. Sorry to those wanting to play it all on the PS4 and Xbox One. There just is not the best of ways to do an Early Access for you just yet.
As you most likely have figured out, it has been announced that Hunt: Showdown will have an Early Access on Steam where players will get to jump in and give the game a go as well as help out the team to make it the best version of itself that there can be. Or at least as close to what the original goal of it all was while still making the game fun and entertaining for as many gamers out there as possible. At the end of it all though, Hunt: Showdown will be coming to Early Access and will start with the basics and slowly get expanded as time presses on. If I had to guess, it would be some of the more basic of weapons and gear with only two or three of the big monsters to hunt down in the game. Just as an Early Access should go.
There is still no date on when this will kick off, but you can add Hunt: Showdown to your wishlist on Steam as of right now so when the whole thing does kick off, you are ready. Also if you want to follow along with all of the updates and changes that will also be coming here, but as I know most of our readers I am going to guess it will be to know when you can download and start playing the game. I could be wrong, but I am sure that I am correct.
Hunt: Showdown — Steam Trailer
The time has come; we begin to reveal our intentions. Today we offer you a window from your world into ours. This is what the lives—and deaths—of Hunters look like. These are some of the monsters we face. You may want to look away, and those who fear a glimpse of hell can go directly to Steam and place Hunt’s name upon their own scrolls.
Will you be partaking in the Early Access for Hunt: Showdown or will you be missing out due to platform restrictions? Do you agree with me on the content that will be in the Early Access or do you think that Crytek will give us a massive drop over the course and we will have way more to do? Do you think that they will keep to their “gameplay first and visuals second” mindset now that it will get into player’s hands earlier or will this push it to work in parallel? Let us know what your thoughts are and then feel free to discuss down in the comments. I know we will have a lot more for Hunt: Showdown and we will also have it all on the site here. Keep checking in to see what updates and news are to come.