Hot Wheels Unleashed Races Out Some Gameplay To Hype Us All Up

Hot Wheels Unleashed — Gameplay

Gameplay for Hot Wheels Unleashed is out there to show off how this video game will let us live those original Hot Wheels dreams

If you wanted some gameplay for Hot Wheels Unleashed, then you are going to be fully in luck as that is what we have here to show off today. All not that long after we had the official announcement from Milestone that this racing title is on the way to us all this September. Just as we all truly hoped it would be for this, we are going to get to live some of our original Hot Wheels dreams but in the virtual space now. All for those out there looking to get their race on with the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PC on the 27th of September here.

You can see it all going down below, but Hot Wheels Unleashed looks to have the same basic driving and racing we would expect but with all of the looks of the IP that has been around for decades. It does seem a little weird to see that there will be some speed boosts and a few other things that could have been set up in more of a “practical” sense but we are using our imaginations here so it works. It is interesting to see that we will be able to leave the Hot Wheels tracks at points and use some of the other racing titles “cheats” to get around, but it weirdly works. Have a take at it all below and get hyped up for this one to hit us all.

Hot Wheels Unleashed — Gameplay

The first official Hot Wheels Unleashed Gameplay Trailer is out! Discover how to race in a dark, rusty, and vintage Garage, and stay tuned, because this is just the first environment unveiled. Much more has to come.

Have you been hoping for this Hot Wheels title to get out there or would you rather stick to the physical cars? Do you think it was a good choice to go with some of the more fantastical visuals for the gameplay mechanics or would you have rather seen something a little more fitting? Would it have been interesting to see some of the course changing mechanics from other titles mixed in here or will it work better in this way? Let us have all of those thoughts and feelings down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Hot Wheels Unleashed, we will share it all here for you. Keep checking in for all of that and much more.

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