Hard Reset Redux Is Here & It Is Bringing The Cyborg Apocalypse

Hard Reset Redux — Launch Trailer

Another new trailer for Hard Reset Redux has been released and it shows off one of the new weapons for Hard Reset that we will be dicing up enemies with

That seemed to sneak up on all of us here didn’t it as Hard Reset Redux has finally released on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC and now we all get to hunt down some crazy cyborgs. At least if you are going to make Flying Wild Hog and Gambitious happy by picking up the game newly remastered game. Hells, you could go one step further and pick up the original Hard Reset for 85% off because that is a thing too. At least on Steam and only if you pick up the new remaster. Seems like a bit of a weird promotion but it is a thing.

Besides all of the upgraded visuals and improvements to the performance of the overall game Hard Reset Redux does house a few little extras you won’t get with the original. Again making that extra purchase kind of pointless. In this new version there will be new enemies that original fans never had the joy of shooting down. Or if you wanted to have a different option you will also be getting a new Cyber-Katana here to literally chop them all down. So new enemies and a new weapon if you buy the new version here. Discount is even more pointless.

If you would like to see the new weapon for Hard Reset in action and maybe a new enemy or two, the you can continue on down to check out the latest trailer showing it all off. Of course there is more to the game than just that but this is what we have and you’ll have to pick up the full game to see everything else that has been added or changed.

Hard Reset Redux — Launch Trailer

How does Hard Reset Redux look to you when compared to the original version? Do you think the new weapon will be a great addition or will it be fun a few times and then we’ll go back to just shooting? Are you curious as to why there is even an option to buy the original at the discount price but only if you pick up the new one? Let us know your thoughts on it all down in the comments and discuss. For all things Hard Reset Redux keep your browser locked in here for anything and everything that will be coming. At least if there is more after the game’s launch today.

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