Google Brings You Ninjas!

Spice up your inbox with colors and themes

While trolling around the interwebs I stumbled across a nice little tidbit from Guild actress Felicia Day. GMail Themes! So I had to go see if I was one of these lucky few and low and behold there it was on one of my accounts.

So not completely gaming news, but it is kind of cool geek news. But it looks like a select “few” people have been selected to take a gander at GMail’s new Themes for their Beta of the service. No real details on when it will be wide release, but there are some really cool themes selected. 30 of them to be exact. Some of them making GMail much easier to use at work, keeping people from noticing that you are on GMail and such.

This was all spurred from user created objects for their service beforehand, so that goes to show you that companies to pay attention to mods that you build. Below is a look at some of the themes I’ve been playing with since i noticed it opened up for me. Link to the article is below that.

**UPDATE** Looks like it isn’t going to be uncommon for too long. They are updating their servers too hook everyone up. It just might take a few days to get everyone. Still something to look forward too.

Check It Out

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