God Of War Is Back And It Doesn’t Look Like The One We Are Use To

God Of War — E3 Gameplay

At E3 2016 the new God Of War title was revealed with gameplay and it looks to shake up the God Of War franchise in a good way

If you watched last night’s press conference then you should know that God Of War has a new title coming to the franchise and it looks like all of the rumors were true. In this go of it it looks like Santa Monica Studios is taking Kratos into the Norse mythology as the rumors from before had us all thinking. Pretty cool but we also had a solid look at actual gameplay for the new God Of War in almost a whole ten minutes with a few extra tidbits revealed along with it. Sadly no release date for the game on the PS4 but it looks like things have shaped up well so it can’t be that far off. At least that is the hope from me as this is one of my favorite franchise to date.

As you have seen or will see, it looks like Kratos is a bit older and still alive after the events of God Of War 3. Hopefully this is something that they will explore a bit more and explain. Especially since it looks like he took a new wife, whom is presumably dead from the video, and he also has a new son. If he’s a biological son or not is also up in the air but the kid is still there. One thing we can see here is that he has the Spartan Rage still and also a new weapon set in terms of fists and a mighty axe. A mighty axe that returns much like Thor’s hammer so I’m guessing this is the new weapon the gods bestow on Kratos just as in the past God Of War titles.

God Of War — E3 Gameplay

While the gameplay here is quite as brutal as we should expect for a God Of War game it does look like some of the QTE aspects have been removed. This could just be how the video was set up and they may come laters but I know I never saw one. Just some really cool scripted moves. It is interesting to see that the son here does act as an intelligent AI buddy of sorts though. Much like Ellie in The Last Of Us was; at least outside of the last arrow strike that completely was off target. None the less it was an impressive showing of the new God Of War and I am so amped to see how the whole game plays out and all of the new RPG-like elements that seem to have been added. I’m guessing that is the new “blood orbs” for XP system but again that wasn’t defined well and only speculation.

What did you think about the new God Of War gameplay we had to see here? Do you think that this is Kratos’ real son or just and adopted one given his past? Do you think that the gaining of knowledge will be the new leveling system or will we get to see blood fly everywhere to boost his abilities? Let us know what you are thinking and discuss in the comments below. For more on this God Of War titles and how it progresses you can be completely certain that we will have it here on the site. Be sure to stay glued right here for that and more of the E3 2016 coverage to come.

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