Get Ready For More Night Terrors On Your Mobile Device Soon

Night Terrors — Trailer 3

Another new trailer for Night Terrors has been released but sadly no solid update on how Night Terrors’ development is going so far

It’s been a bit of time since we had a solid update on Night Terrors for our Android and iOS devices that will hopefully be coming soon. For those who don’t happen to know or remember what this is supposed to be, it is a new Augmented Reality title coming from Novum Analytics that turns your real world home into a nightmare filled haunted house. We’ spoken on Night Terrors a few times in the past as it went into its Indigogo campaign to try and get the funds to make sure the team could get all of their tech to work and all of us shitting our pants. History lesson over for now…

Like I said though, it’s been a bit of time since we saw a solid update on the goings on of Night Terrors and now we have yet another trailer to look at and get an idea of how far the team has progressed. Before it was mentioned that they were moving from just an experience into a full on game with acting and a story. While not much on that is shown here we can see some of the production value that will be in the final version once they actually get it all out there. I do have to say that the young girl in the game does add a whole lot to the fear factor here as there does seem to be a lack of ghosts in this new trailer.

Night Terrors — Trailer 3

You may be wondering how this AR experience is going to work here in Night Terrors. If you didn’t keep clicking on after the last video here to see just how then here is the explanation. As it looks, the program that Novum Analytics is working on will use your phone’s camera to create a 3D scan of your home or gameplay area. It will then build the area digitally on the back-end and use the structure to place onscreen images to mess with you as well as hidden terrors in the home as you search for the hidden item and then try to make your way back out. It is a huge endeavor and I hope they do it well as it could change so much in the industry.

What do you think of Night Terrors as it looks as of right now? Did you know about this game before hand or is this your first look at it all? Do you think that the team is going to do all of this as promised or will they still be limited by the hardware out there currently? Let us know your thoughts on everything and feel free to discuss in the comments below. Night Terrors has caught our attentions many times over here so be sure to keep your eyes right here if it just captured yours. We will keep updating as we get any new content for the game in the near future.

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