Five Minutes Of Awesome

Opening Five Minutes Of Left 4 Dead

So after seeing the beginning ads and teaser stuff we were running on pwned for a while, I’ve kept a close eye on this game. Each time I see more, the more this game can’t come sooner. After watch the opening five minutes here, my anticipation for this game is coming to an all time high. I’m just glad that I have some other games to keep me going until then.

But now that my little bit has been said, I like to indulge myself, here’s what’s up with this video. In a short way, it is awesome. In a longer way, here we go. The VO and character acting is actually quite cool. Not to mention that the visuals are pretty stunning as well. Albeit a little dark, even for my tastes. By dark I mean, it is hard to make out most of the fine details in the video. But then again, it takes place at night and during a zombie apocalypse, so, that should be forgiven. But the parts you can see well, are brilliant. As for the story tidbits and audio, the characters look to be very well done and voice acted. I won’t spoil anything in case you want to wait to watch any of it, but if you don’t want to wait, check it out.

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