EA wants to give you free gas

Sure, we are finally seeing a small break in the ridiculous gas prices
but that doesn’t mean anyone in their right mind would turn down free
gas. EA games hears your plea, they care, they really do. That’s why
they are putting on an event called “Petrol for the People”. Petrol for
the People is a a promotional event for the game Mercenaries 2.
Starting at 6am tomorrow morning at the Mobil station on 8489 Beverly Blvd and until the tanks are empty you can get free gas. The
attendants will even be dressed as Mercenaries. Gasoline plays a key
role in the Mercenaries game. If you don’t live in LA you can watch the
festivities live on break.com.

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is being developed by Pandemic Studios
and will be published by EA games. The game launches on August 31 here
in the US but if you reside in Europe you’ll need to wait until
September 5th. It’s a non-linear, sandbox style, third person shooter
set in Venezuela. The game takes place 2 years in the future.

Mercenaries 2 will be available for Windows, PS2, PS3 and the Xbox 360.

Via 1up.com.

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