Be The One-Man-Army In New Gameplay For Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater — New Gameplay

New gameplay for Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater is here to tease us with how we will be once again unstoppable in Metal Gear Solid

It was not all that sneaky for a game like Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater to drop some new gameplay on us here recently during the massive information drops we have had. Konami, more or less, indicated that we were going to be getting something during all of them to further build up the hype. Which is fun, as we now have a whole lot of new gameplay to look at and see how this Metal Gear Solid 3 remake is going to flow out there. If only they offered up a solid release date on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, or PC for all of this. But I digress. Let us dig into the new gameplay we have to look at and see how the Virtuous Mission is going to start off for us.

Those unfamiliar with Metal Gear Solid 3, we will get to see Naked Snake dropped into a jungle completely naked of gear. Hence the name, you perverts. From there, Snake will have to go about the jungle collecting all of the things needed to complete the mission and help a bunch of bad people to meet their makers. All with the updated stealth and combat mechanics we have seen in the more recent Metal Gear Solid titles out there. A lot of sneaking, punching people, and then finally using the various guns we can collect to help save the world. As long as we are not about to be double-crossed out there…

Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater — New Gameplay

The core experience of the original, evolved and more immersive than ever.

A remake of the 2004 game Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

In addition to the original play style and control scheme, players can elect for a newly added, more modern control style. The same gripping story and engrossing world, but with all new graphics and 3D audio that enhance the jungle atmosphere. Get ready for the ultimate survival stealth action experience.

The more I see for Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, the more it feels like they are just riding off the coattails of how good Phantom Pain was. In this instance, it feels like it is going to be a similar gameplay experience just with the Snake Eater story and setting. Not a terrible thing, sure, but nothing that feels like it is going to truly push the Metal Gear Solid line forward as they have in the past. A little concerning given how the other titles that the publisher has in their pocket are looking too. Yes, they have a lot of the flash of new visuals but still might feel like you are playing a recycled game instead of something new.

Do you think they should have done something new with this Metal Gear Solid title or are you only here to play the nostalgia title and nothing more? Do you see how it feels a lot like the fifth main game in the series or is it just me who sees all of that? Will they ever try for something new in the IP or will it be the bare minimum so they can keep the IP alive as long as possible? Sneak on down to the comment section and let us all know what you are thinking for all of this. If there is more to share for Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, we will certainly share it all here. Please keep on checking back for all of those updates and the many others we still have to come.

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