No Man’s Sky Has Finally Gone Gold So Stop With Your Hate

No Man's Sky — Goes Gold

It has just been confirmed that No Man’s Sky has finally hit gold status and No Man’s Sky will be hitting it new release date

It seems like only a month ago that we were hearing about death threats over No Man’s Sky being delayed until August 9th. Thankfully the pillow forts that were built over at Hello Games to shield them all worked as it looks like they have no wrapped up development and the game is ready to start going into the process to come out to us. Now the only delays we may see for No Man’s Sky will be if the marketing team feels like they need more time to sell more copies. As if the rabid and, to me still unfounded, love wouldn’t already be enough already.

Of course all of this comes directly from the source as the small team working on No Man’s Sky got together and posted a nice little picture and update to celebrate the official gold status. You can see that all below and then you can pull back all those threats that were sent for no reason. Then get on to securing your copy of the game and get ready to travel around the virtual universe to do what we will someday get to do in the real world. Hopefully… I’m just glad to see if the hype built up will be what it should be for what we will be getting. Then my love for No Man’s Sky may finally come.

No Man's Sky — Goes Gold

No Man’s Sky — Goes Gold

How happy are you now that the release of No Man’s Sky is now pretty much 100% locked in? Do you think that even though the game is gold that marketing will take a chance to push the game out again or is August 9th set in stone now? Are you still curious on all of the hype this game is still getting even after the delay? Let us all know down in the comments and discuss. For more on No Man’s Sky as it comes we will try to have it up here on the site for you. Be sure to stay right here for all those updates as they may come.

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