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“SACK IT TO ME”…Weekly Answers to the LBP Community’s Questions

As has been the buzz around the net and the PS Forum boards, moderation on user created levels has been out of control on the LBP servers. Like crazy to the point where some levels that have no offensive materials or copy written materials have been removed. With no explanation as well. To me this is really hampering one of the best features of this game.

Well, last night, Sony came out on this topic in their official blog. Well kind of. It was a part of the overall LBP update and news. What is interesting is that they are stating that it is us the users that have forced these levels to be booted. See the excerpt below for full details. Link to the blog post below that.

To me, this kind of seems like a cop out. Stating that all the levels that have been removed are due to users sending in reports. I find it hard to believe for two reasons. First, why would the creators not get the canned email of “We removed your level do to user reports with the Good Grief Tool.”? That makes no sense to blame it there with no response. Second, why would people report levels that are based on some of the greater pop culture things like Mario Brothers and Back To The Future? It would seem that we gamers would revel in levels like these. Just doesn’t make sense for it to be the users who didn’t want these things. Maybe it is just me.

The level moderation process is something we’re continually improving. The small percentage of levels moderated have been done so after the community has reported them using the Good Grief tool. We never moderate levels that have not been reported in this way. The vast majority of moderated levels were due to offensive material, however we are evolving the way moderation happens to ensure that creators are made aware of why their level was blocked. More to come shortly.

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LittleBigPlanet Knit Plush Doll

Here’s more of a LittleCoolThing for it as well. Looks like Play Asia is giving you the option to buy your own real world sackboy/girl. Even some of them with the gear you have in the game. Like Pirate. [pictured below] They are going for about $16 on their site with a few option sold out or not available as of the writing of this. So if you want to add another fun little thing for your gamer pleasure, totally check ’em out and pick one up.

Christmas is right around the corner and this could be a cool gift.

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