You Sneaking Monkeys

You Sneaking Monkeys

How To Get Into The Home Beta

Let it be said that I hate my new work arrangements. Hence why my news bits have been a bit sparse. Should be fixed soon. But enough about me. What is it I say about getting into this other exclusive beta for the PS3?

Well, it seems Sony is expanding out their user base for this new service. Not to mention the length of Beta before the public beta hits. I count 2 years in the making now. The sneaking part about it, at least to those that don’t have interweb access is that the only way to get on the list to be possible chosen is to download a special item from the PSN update today. That item, a Home Theme for your PS3. You don’t have to use it, you just need to get it and install it. This will get you on that fabled list. It’s listed in the new stuff for today as a heads up.

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