MGS4, GoW2, RE5…Oh My!

Metal Gear Product Placement

Trolling around the interwebs early today I stumbled upon some new shots from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid. First Videos yesterday. Today, some new images. Tomorrow…who knows? But I digest…

These new images really are not anything special. Outside of the fact that it shows how the product placement is coming more into our epic “movie like” games. I knew it was only a matter of time. If you look at them, you will see them pimping an Energy drink, same from the Video. But also the game is showing off a real Cell phone, Motorcycle, and iPod. Not by any generic names or anything. In fact, it looks like you can play through the game’s music using this “virtual” iPod. Shameless plugging! w00t!

MGS Energy Drink
MGS iPod
MGS Energy Drink
MGS Cell Phone
MGS Motorcycle

Gears of War 2

Nothing much to say here. Other than this game looks absolutely beautiful. Very very sexy pictures of this game. It all looks like game play, so lets hope it is and it will all stay looking this awesome. Just add that extra little spice to an already awesome game.

Gears of War 2
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 2

Resident Evil 5 Scans

I really wish I had some higher definition version of these, but we’ll just have to settle for some low-re scans. But even that being the case, look how nicely this game is shaping up. I saw these and though, “Oh my Gods…Why can’t this be out now.” Take a look and tell me that you don’t think the same thing. Go a head, I’ll wait.

Oh, BTW, these came from the latest Famitsu. It’s a Japanese gaming mag. So if you can check it out there in some nice crisp images from the source.

Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5

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