Portal Is Still Alive…

More Maps For Portal

This was a triumph… I’m making a note here… HUGE SUCCESS! Ok enough of that. But you really can’t deny the fact that the game was a huge thing. It spawned all kinds of other media based off of just this little mod to Half Life. And it just keeps coming out. This time in more maps based from the 2D Flash version of the game.

This is a 40 map pack and features a new “test subject” for these said levels. Yes you read it. 40! They say it is another 3.5 hours added to the game. Which is also awesome cause I know I breezed through this game in one sitting one night. So now I might even need to do it in two sittings or one weekend day. Most likely this weekend.

The only down fall is that this requires Steam to install and play. Which means that it will most likely take you 3 fucking days to get it up and running on your system unless you do this install in the middle of a time where people are doing something else. Can you feel the hate for Steam? It took me three days to get Portal the first go through them. Just so that we are on the same page. Maybe if you do the down load on a Tuesday night it won’t be so hard to get this download. Hopefully.

Info, download link, and page link are all below. In that order.

Based on Portal: The Flash Version, our very own Hen Mazolski brings us all the levels and concepts back to the original Portal version, in this huge mappack!

This time, experience Aperture Science from a different perspective, before the time of the original Portal, as a different test subject.

This mappack includes ALL 40 levels from WCS’s Flash version, additional bonus levels and features. All together, we’ve got here over three and a half hours of amazing gameplay.

Download Here

Check It Out

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