Boston Mayor trying to pass “games as porn” bill

Boston’s mayor, Thomah Menino is now backing a Massachusetts Bill sponsored by Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry according to
The Massachusetts legislature will be talking about the bill on Tuesday. The bill was penned with the help of Jack Thompson, of course, but prior “games as porn” bills have failed in Lousiana and Utah.
Entertainment Software AssociationGames-for-Grownups spokesman Dan Hewitt told the Boston Herald, ?Every time states have tried to restrict access to First Amendment-protected material, it has been considered unconstitutional.?
You can contact the mayor of Boston here:
By email here:
By phone here: 617.635.4500
You can contact Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry here:
email: Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.State.MA.US
phone : 617- 722-2430
Write both of them and let them know as gamers, the Mature rating should be enough to restrict the sale of games to minors. That parents need to be the ones to control what video gamesVideogame-Simulator-Job their children play, not the government.

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