You Are Not Expected To Survive Battlefield 1’s First 12 Minutes

Battlefield 1 — 12 Minutes Of Single Player

The first twelve minutes of Battlefield 1 have been released and it looks like Battlefield 1 is redefining how the war shooter plays out

Last week we had a small showing of how Battlefield 1‘s campaign will play out as well as a few details on all of that. If you don’t remember, DICE is taking a different path for the story and not having us follow one person or team along a path during WWI. This kind of shocked a few people out there but EA has put a lot of cash into Battlefield 1 and with its launch on October 21st here is seemed like an odd thing to hold onto up to now. Of course, many people don’t look to the franchise for the campaign but it is a thing and it was very odd to hear.

Well, now it is no longer just words as we get to see a bit on how Battlefield 1‘s campaign is going to play out. Or at least the first twelve minutes of the game as it would seem and just a few weeks before launch. It may spoil a bit of the opening to the game but it shows off just what we are talking about when it comes to the story of the game. All the historical places and weapons and a lot of the unnamed men who fought the good fight in the war. More on the winning side than losing but we get to see it now. Have a look for yourself.

Battlefield 1 — 12 Minutes Of Single Player

A first look at the opening mission, Storm of Steel, from the single player campaign.

So, the first words that come to mind here is “Holy Fuck!” I’m not sure if this is how the whole story plays out in Battlefield 1 or if it is just this first mission but that was some of the most epic video game play I’ve seen in some time. Especially as it looks like the respawn system DICE has here is set to move you from “nameless” man to “nameless” man on the field. It would be amazing to see this persist through the whole campaign but as of right now it can only be confirmed for the first mission. The only reason I question the whole campaign is for the fact that we have a few characters that are attached to other named heroes of the war and it would be odd if there was an endless supply of “right hand men.”

What do you think about this new gameplay footage for Battlefield 1? Do you think this could be the most amazing way to handle the WWI shooter instead of how other developers have been going time and time again? Do you think that this respawn system will be through the whole game or just these specific missions? Let us know your thoughts and feel free to discuss in the comments below. For more on Battlefield 1 and all of its news and updates, be sure to stay right here as we’ll keep bringing you more as EA hands it all out there.

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