Fallout: Revelation Brings A New Serious Feel To The Franchise

Fallout: Revelation — Pilot

A new Fan TV series call Fallout: Revelation has a third of its pilot out there and ready for us to see a serious side of Fallout instead of the humor

We’ve all come to love Fallout in many forms. Of course we have the game and there have been a few fun and humorous fan films and web series made but now it looks like we are going a bit more serious as we now have another Fan TV series out of MechanicalCake. Here we have Fallout: Revelation a new serious story in the universe. But let it be known that it is not affiliated with Bethesda directly, yet, as the team is looking to delve into the reason that the bombs were dropped in the Fallout universe and everyone had to hide underground.

I won’t spoil too much about it all just yet but here we have the first third of Fallout: Revelation to look upon fresh out of SDCC. The next two thirds are set to come out over the next month or so but for now we can get a nice little tease. Just like the other great additions into the IP this one has some high-production value and a nice script. At least as far as can be seen in this little bit of the show thus far. There is no word on if this pilot will be the only thing released or if this could turn into something sanctioned and full blown production. We can hope.

Fallout: Revelation — Pilot 1/3

MechanicalCake TV has released a sneak peak of Fallout: Revelation a new, Live Action, high-production value Fan TV Series based on the Fallout universe.

Are you glad to see a serious take on the Fallout franchise here or was it out of place for you? Do you think that this will lead the team to a bigger production or will it just stay a small fan thing? What did you think about this one compared to the others out there? Let us know and feel free to discuss in the comments below. As the rest of the pilot for Fallout: Revelation comes out we will have it up here. Be sure to keep checking back in for that as it all comes.

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