More gameplay for Devil May Cry 5 is here and it gives us all more to the new and old characters for the Devil May Cry franchise
In just over a week we will get to play the full version of Devil May Cry 5. I hope that you did not need that update as you should have pre-ordered the game at this point or at least blocked off some time to play. I am sure that Capcom would thank you for that. For all of the others who may still be on the fence for Devil May Cry 5, though, we have some new gameplay to look at with another twenty minutes of footage from the game that spans over all three characters. Although, we get more of a focus on V here than anything. We will take it though as he is the latest to enter the franchise.
Some of what we have here is a new look at parts of the Devil May Cry 5 demo that is currently out there, but there is a whole lot of new areas and creatures to see in the game. We also get to see a bit more on how all of the moves for V will work as each shadow/tattoo is mapped to a specific button or key. Something that could be difficult for those playing Devil May Cry 5 on the console, but something that PC gamers should have little issue with. At least if they go with the keyboard and mouse style of things that they have the option for. That is how you all play your games still, right?
Devil May Cry 5 — V, Dante, Nero Gameplay
Let’s play Devil May Cry 5! We take newcomer V for a high-octane hands-on session, then reunite with series regulars Dante and Nero. Devil May Cry 5 arrives in style on PS4 March 8.
How prepared are you for this Devil May Cry to launch here on March 8th? Do you think that it will be the best one to date or is that still something to be seen? How do you feel about the key mapping for V and will you be looking to change it when you play the game? Let us and the world know down in the comments and then discuss. If we have more to share for Devil May Cry 5, it will be here on the site. All you have to do is keep coming back to see it all and stay up to date.