![Orwell’s Animal Farm — VOTE!](https://ag.houseofhades.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Orwells-Animal-Farm-VOTE-200x150.jpg)
The release date for Animal Farm is set down for the PC with the concepts in Animal Farm hitting most of us in full force
It feels about right for this announcement, as we now have a release date for the upcoming video game version of Animal Farm on the PC. It will not be here in time for the upcoming big event in the United States, but it does look like Nerial is trying to get it out there as close as possible. Hells, it could be even closer to how things will progress out here by the time Animal Farm releases and it will not be as much metaphor as well hope. I guess we will know for certain when it drops on December 10th and many out there give this one a try. I do hope it sticks to a work of fiction and does not become a biography again.
For those not in the full know on this, Animal Farm the video game is a retelling of the seventy-five-year-old novel from George Orwell of the same name. This will aim to give us the same experience that you can read in the book but place us in the role of making the decisions on the farm with our choices matter. How much they matter is still to be determined but it would be fun to see if we can alter the events of Animal Farm in general or if the story is going to play out as it always did. Given that it is a story that was a commentary on the state of things in World War I and World War II, it will be interesting to see. Thankfully, it is just over a month until we know for certain.
Orwell’s Animal Farm — VOTE!
As the world awaits the results of this week’s US election, Indie Development Collective The Dairymen and Nerial — creators of the BAFTA-nominated Reigns series — today announced that their game, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, is coming to PC and Mobile on December 10th.
August marked seventy-five years since the novel was published in 1945, and still today, Orwell’s subtle yet razor-sharp commentary on the corrupting nature of power arguably remains as fresh and relevant as ever.
Animal Farm — which enjoys the full endorsement of the Orwell Estate — will be a narrative, choice-based adventure game that puts the player at the centre of an allegorical revolution. By choosing which of the animals’ wishes they follow — and who is ignored or sidelined — gamers will influence the critical events that define the fate of the farm. Players must devise strategies to balance resources, defend the farm, and keep the animal population happy.
Were you hoping to play Animal Farm before the election this week or do you think it will hit harder based on how things pan out? Do you suspect we will get to fully change the story in the game or will certain things just always be the case? Does this make you want to read or re-read the original work or will you digest it all here yet again? Let everyone out there know what is on your mind and then feel free to discuss it all. If there is more for Animal Farm, we will share it on the site for you. Be sure to stick around here for all of the fun news you might want in your life right now.