The Last Of Us Part II Is Now Delayed Until Late In May

The Last Of Us Part II — Delay

The release date for The Last Of Us Part II has been pushed out to May to allow the game to live up to The Last Of Us vision

This is not how we wanted to start the day here, but it looks like The Last Of Us Part II has been delayed a bit now. Just after we had a huge showing for the game from Naughty Dog and it received so much praise, we have to wait until May to get our hands on the game and see just how the story will be continued. It is not like we do not already have a whole lot of titles hitting the PS4 in May already. We just get to add The Last Of Us Part II to the growing list as we see May 29th as the new release date from the original February 21st being set down. Very sad news indeed.

The reason for this massive delay, the usual “polish” needed for it. As if what we saw for The Last Of Us Part II already was not already amazing, but it looks like the team needs more time to get the game up to snuff. So very odd as it has only been a short time and one would think they would have known this back then. Especially with how much was shown off. I have a feeling that there could have been some other reasons behind this as well, but I will wait to make sure this lives up to all the hype of The Last Of Us already. The game has a lot to hold up to and waiting an extra few months should be worth it…

The Last Of Us Part II Comes To PS4 In May

To our fans,

Let me cut to the chase and get the news out of the way. The Last Of Us Part II has a new release date of May 29, 2020.

I know. It was just about a month ago when we had our big blowout for the game, letting media play over two hours of it along with debuting our new story trailer and revealing the release date. The positive response we saw from our community was overwhelming. You can feel the energy among the team members. After working on something for so many years, it’s invigorating to get a glimpse of validation for all the hard work.

However, it was during the last few weeks, as we were closing out sections of the game, that we realized we simply didn’t have enough time to bring the entire game up to a level of polish we would call Naughty Dog quality. At this point we were faced with two options: compromise parts of the game or get more time. We went with the latter, and this new release date allows us to finish everything to our level of satisfaction while also reducing stress on the team.

While we’re relieved that we won’t have to compromise our vision, we’re disappointed that we weren’t able to avoid this exact situation. We wish we could’ve foreseen the amount of polish we needed, but the size and scope of this game got the better of us. We hate disappointing our fans and for that we’re sorry.

We hope you understand that this additional time ensures that The Last Of Us Part II lives up to our collective ambition as well as our commitment to the highest level of quality. We know the extra few months will add to what may already be an excruciating wait for all of us. We are grateful for your patience and continued support. Come next May, you will finally rejoin Ellie in The Last Of Us Part II.

— Neil

Are you crying over the delay that has now hit The Last Of Us Part II or do you think it will make the game that much better for us all? Do you think that there could be other things going on in the background or is it all for more “polish” as explained? Are you willing to wait just a bit longer for a great game or would you rather have it on the original timeline instead? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When there is more for The Last Of Us Part II, we will share it all here for you. All you need to do is keep coming back here to see and hear it all.