Don’t Get Mad But Get Sadistic In Destroy All Humans!

Destroy All Humans! — Welcome To Santa Modesta

New gameplay for Destroy All Humans! takes us to Santa Modesta and offers up a bit more interactive footage for Destroy All Humans!

July 28th is quickly coming up for Destroy All Humans! and we have even more new gameplay to look at here. By new, we are talking truly new outside of the footage we have seen from Black Forest Games over the last year. Something to truly be excited for if you have not already taken the dive into the demo for Destroy All Humans! on the PC. If only it was also on the PS4 and Xbox One too, but beggars and choosers… That is why we have new footage and a bit more of an interactive way of seeing it all.

By interactive, we have a choose-your-own trailer for Destroy All Humans! just a bit lower down the page here. Something to watch a bit of things to flow out and then go down other paths to get to the final release date page of it all. Before that, have a look at a bit from the Santa Modesta location in Destroy All Humans! that we will be playing in. A whole lot of fun to have here as we prep to take down all of those dirty humans in the not too distant future here. I will stop typing now so you can just enjoy the footage and get ready to have this new remaster in our lives.

Destroy All Humans! — Welcome To Santa Modesta

Here we are, another Human hive! San-ta Modes-ta they call it!

Destroy All Humans! — Interactive Trailer

Mankind will fall. We all know that the Furon Empire will be victorious — resistance is futile. Was nice to meet you. The question is just how it will fall.

In this new intergalactic interactive trailer, the choice is yours — with generous permission from our benevolent Furon Overlords.

Destroy All Humans! will be available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on July 28th, 2020.

Are you glad to finally have some new footage for Destroy All Humans! here or have you been loving replaying the same stuff from before? Which path did you go down in the footage here or did you give them all a try here? Will you always try to use the ship or will you go in close when given the option? Let us all know down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all here. If there is more for Destroy All Humans!, we will throw it up on the site for you to enjoy. Just be sure to keep coming back here for all of that and much more.