Dancing Haruhi Game For Wii Delayed

To the disappointment of many Suzumiya Haruhi fans, Kadokawa has announced that Haruhi No Gekidou has been delayed until January 22nd 2009. This was pushed back from it’s original release date of November 28th 2008.  Haruhi No Gekidou is based off the extremely popular anime, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi from Bandai Ent.

For thos who don’t know, while it’s still known as the Haruhi Dance game, it was previously announced that the dancing aspect has most likely been cancelled. And while this game may be delayed, it isn’t the only Haruhi game on the horizon, with two other games are in development as you read this.Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu is an adventure title planned for the Wii, and Haruhi no Chokuretsu is an adventure/puzzle game for the DS.

Haruhi no Gekidou Official Site


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