RUMOR MILL: Guess What Else Comes Out Nov 19th Along With NXE

Oh c’mon why wouldn’t they pull that. The Inquirer reports that on November 19th of this year, Sony’s Playstation Home will be unleashed to the public, coincidentally on the same exact day that Microsoft drops it’s New XBOX Experience for its XBOX 360 console.

While Home is certainly more substansial (it’s a whole virtual world where you can walk around, play games, watch movies, and more, semi-akin to second life), where as NXE is more of a looks-rather-than-content update, both are being heavily looked forward to.

While people who live close to each other in real life probably won’t substitute going to somebody’s PS Home versus going to their real home, it does offer a great solution for people who live across the country. The world you ask? No, Playstation Home is region locked and is based on your PSN account info rather than your PS3’s origins. For instance: Even if you owned a Japanese PS3, you would still be locked into your regions Home.

When this rumor gets confirmed or the much more likely “No Comment”, I’ll let you know.

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