Get Ready For An Epic Treasure Hunt As You Land On GreedFall

GreedFall — Reveal Teaser

A new RPG, GreedFall, has been revealed and it looks to whisk us away to the island of GreedFall to face off with all kinds of magic and mercenaries

It’s always good when we get to hear about a new title coming and here we go with another RPG called GreedFall. This one comes out of the continued partnership between Spiders and Focus Home Interactive; the pair that brought us all The Technomancer last year and other titles before that. Pretty much they are known for the RPG titles and now we are getting another one with GreedFall when it lands on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Of course that is all still a ways out as 2018 is the listed date, but we are still in the reveal area of the game and that means we still have a lot of time to get used to it all and see if it will be in our libraries when it launches.

Like I said, this is only a reveal for GreedFall so pretty much all we have is a nice little teaser video to show off the grand idea that the game will have. There are also very few details for the game just as any real gameplay, but have a look at the reveal trailer and see if it is starting off to be a title after your own heart here. Go ahead, I’ll wait…

GreedFall — Reveal Teaser

GreedFall is the latest RPG from Spiders, currently in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Revealed at “le What’s Next de Focus” event last week, GreedFall today unveil a first teaser trailer, hinting at the 17th century setting of the game and its ambiance embedded in magic. As showcased in this video, GreedFall aims for a very unique visual identity, inspired by Baroque art from 17th Century Europe, depicting grandiose sceneries in muted warm colors and dark undertones.

Explore a fresh new world as you set foot – alongside many other settlers, mercenaries and treasure hunters – on a remote island seeping with magic, rumored to be filled with riches and lost secrets. A grand journey filled with mystery follows, as you find yourself in the middle of ever-increasing tensions between the invading settlers and the locals, protected by supernatural beings, manifestation of the island’s earthly magic.

Outside of the above trailer, the other knowns for GreedFall are that it will be an RPG like the many others that Spiders has brought us. It will use everything from combat to dynamic conversations to help shape the world and island you are on. An island that you are joining other settlers on as the indigenous people fight back to keep it sacred and the treasures hidden still. All of which with the help of the mystical nature of the island as well. Hence the huge beast that attacked in the above trailer. Pretty much it looks like an RPG about the British invading the Americas way back when and the Natives had more of a connection with their ancestors, gods, and magics to fight back with. An interesting little twist.

What are your feelings about GreedFall as it stands for now? Will you be holding out for more details before making the jump onto the hype train or have you already seen enough to get your blood all boiled up and ready? Do you think that the dev team have learned from their past titles and will be able to make this one something closer to their Magnum Opus or will it just be another title in their list? Let us know your thoughts on all of this down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As more for GreedFall is shown off or explored, we will have it here for you. Be sure to keep checking in as you’ll hopefully be on the hype train at some point.

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