Game Crazy Holding Fundraiser For Ill Children

Game Crazy

This month Game Crazy will be offering “Game Stars” for a minimum donation of $1. All the proceeds will go to the Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation. Game Crazy will also match all customer donations with hopes of raising enough funds to provide 12 new Fun Centers to hospitals. Each Fun Center costs about $4,250 per setup and has a LCD flat panel TV, DVD player and Nintendo Wii. Of course games and movies are included also.

According to CEO of Starlight Starbright Children’s Foundation, Paula Van Ness, Fun Centers give children and their families a sense of normalcy during what is an emotionally and physically difficult time. “Fun Centers distract hospitalized children from their pain and we’re convinced they aid in the recovery process,” she said. “For a kid nervously awaiting surgery, restlessly tolerating long treatments, or recuperating in a hospital room, video games are an incredibly welcome diversion.”

Another great way that we as gamers can give back. One mother shares what the Fun Centers mean: “After my son has surgery – which is often – he gets extremely depressed,” she said. “The only way he comes out of it is to have a Fun Center in his room. He often won’t eat or drink, but as soon as he gets one [Fun Center] he begins to recover.”

You can find the closest Game Crazy here:

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