Monsters Are Not The Only Enemy In House Of Ashes

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House Of Ashes — Enemy Of My Enemy

New enemies are here in House Of Ashes to make us all question who we can rely on to escape this House Of Ashes

It was not a huge surprise with the launch of The Dark Pictures: House Of Ashes only a few months out that we would be seeing a new trailer for the game out of gamescom this year. It is kind of the best place for the team over at Supermassive Games to show off what we will be getting on October 22nd. That and to pose a great question that none of the other games have truly gone into in this anthology. That being, which is the bigger threat, the monster or the humans? This looks like something that House Of Ashes will be digging into with the latest video we have and my guess is that it is going to be the humans. When this comes up, it is almost always the humans that are the true terror out there and making the world a worse place.

Now that we have that out of the way, the new trailer for House Of Ashes does offer up a new look at the greater conflict that we will see in the story. Soldiers on the opposing sides will need to work together to survive, but we have some that are so patriotic and blinded by this that they are willing to lose and asset at the harm to themselves. Then we have others that see the benefit of working together and aim to keep it a secret from the others. You know, truly highlighting the worst in humanity as Pazuzu stalks and hunts us all in House Of Ashes. My guess is that Pazuzu is just hungry and doing what it does best in the world. We will just be in its way, just like the various other creatures that humans dictate are terrible when they invade their homes. Humans are the worst.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House Of Ashes — Enemy Of My Enemy

When each choice you make could take away your own humanity, are you prepared to do anything to survive?

Are you at all surprised by the new kind of story House Of Ashes has shifted to here or was it always inevitable to be this way? Could we get a further twist and find out that Pazuzu is really a hell beast that will kill us all and the humans learn to work together no matter how they feel about each other? Will this be a secret commentary on the United States and how it feels like it is always right no matter the case? Let us have all of those thoughts down in the comments and then feel free to discuss it all if you so wish. We will keep sharing what we can for The Dark Pictures: House Of Ashes as it comes, so be sure to keep checking in for all of that and much more.

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