The Gameplay & Details Are Finally Out Here For Outriders

Outriders — Gameplay Presentation

Outriders’ gameplay is here to take in and we also get a bit more of the actual details going on in Outriders to get hyped about

It was teased and talked about earlier in the week, but here we are with one major content and detail dump for Outriders here. Not only that, but we finally had a chance to see some of the gameplay for the game during a recent live stream event that People Can Fly put on. It is a bit choppy and hard to truly follow along with, but it did give us some actual gameplay and showing of the various characters and abilities we will get to play with in Outriders. Even if we have to wait a bit longer to get that true release date other than Holiday 2020 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. We will just take what we can get for now.

Out the gate, Outriders looks to be an interesting Sci-Fi shooter RPG where we will take on the role of one of the titular Outrider characters. So far we have only three different classes to look at from the Pyromancer, Trickster, and Devastator. More, these look to be the specialized directions of “special abilities” in the game with one being able to control fire, one to control time and space, and the last controlling the abilities of Enoch (Earth) all respectively. All of which have come out of cryostasis to save humanity and deal with all of the other weird anomalies plaguing the lands. It looks and sounds interesting and you can see it all in motion a bit below.

Outriders — Gameplay Presentation

Get ready to be Altered forever. Here’s your first look at Outriders in-action.

Releasing Holiday 2020 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam).

If that was not enough to get you all hyped up for Outriders, we have a few more follow up videos here to flesh out more of each of the points being made in the above gameplay. Little things like customization and world lore are further detailed. Another interesting key point is that each of the announced classes can heal by ending enemies with specific attacks and kills. Like, the pyromancer is healed every time they burn an enemy to death and the other two aim for a closer kill. It sounds like an interesting little bit to add on for an RPG like this and it could truly pan out. I guess we will have to wait and see for now.

Outriders — World And Story

When Outriders begins, humanity is not in a good place.

Earth has been ruined, and the survivors have taken to the stars in huge sleeper ships to find a new home… and a fresh start. The planet Enoch looks promising, but before the civilians can disembark, they need to make sure that it’s all safe.

In other words, they need the Outriders. These awe-inspiring operatives are the first on the ground, using their enviable training and combat skills to identify threats and clear the way for a wider landing.

Fortunately, all seems fine on Enoch. Good even. The planet is beautiful, the local wildlife is reassuringly passive — it seems like a paradise. That said, there are some odd readings that the Outriders want to investigate before an all-clear is given. Unfortunately, before they can, the order to land is given anyway.

And that’s when everything goes to hell. ‘The Anomaly’ — a mysterious, undefinable energy storm — descends on the settlers. Some it kills, some it changes and it renders almost all of their technology unusable.

In the chaos, an Outrider (specifically your fully customizable Outrider) is injured by the Anomaly. In an attempt to keep them alive, they’re pushed into cryostasis and frozen in suspended animation.

More than 30 years later, they awake to a very different world. The once-beautiful fields of Enoch have become blood-soaked trenches. The sky burns and hanged bodies line the devastated fields — stripped on their technology and resources, mankind has turned to savagery to survive.

But Enoch’s not the only thing that’s changed — the surviving Outrider has too. Armed with a gun and mysterious new powers, they head out into a dark, savage world to discover what’s happened to them… and humanity as a whole.

Outriders — Classes And Powers

After the prologue, the Outriders campaign will take you through multiple areas — each with a central hub that positively overflows with quests, secrets, sidequests and more. But before you start digging deep into this broken world, you’ll have to choose a class.

This is essentially a starting point for your newly-empowered character, and defines the basic skills you’ll have to play with.

So far, three classes have been revealed — the Pyromancer, the Trickster, and the Devastator:

  • The Pyromancer — the perfect choice for anyone who thinks they’re hot stuff, the Pyromancer uses fire and flames to devastate crowds of enemies and control the battlefield.
  • The Trickster — a fast, maneuverable class that uses speed and time manipulation to cut down enemies. It’s great for getting in behind foes quickly and delivering powerful precision attacks.
  • The Devastator — a powerful class that makes brute force feel elegant. From gravity manipulation to impenetrable armor, it’s all about getting close to targets so you can deal maximum damage.

Each class has strengths and weaknesses, and — crucially — a different way of healing, all of which greatly define how you play the game. The Pyromancer, for example, heals whenever he or she puts down something on fire, while the Devastator and Trickster benefit from close-up kills.

This adds a lot of variety to how you play the game — something which only increases as you defeat enemies and build up your characters.

Outriders — RPG Depth & Customization

But what you might not expect is that Outriders is as much an RPG as it is a shooter.

You level up, you customize your skillset, you find loot to upgrade your weapons and armor, you talk to NPCs to learn more about the world and get quests — everything you’d expect from the genre is here, and done well.

The loot system seems particularly satisfying. As you kill enemies and open chests, you’ll earn new weapons and gear, that make your character stronger and more resilient. Not only does it make encounters consistently rewarding, we found equipment to be extremely meaningful. When we got a better gun, for example, we really noticed the difference.

Also, like all the best RPGs, there’s a strong narrative focus to everything you do. Whether you’re progressing through the main quest, or undertaking one of the many side activities, the game hits you with interesting stories and rich characters.

Here’s a great example — early on in our playthrough, we uncovered a door to a store. Upon entering, we met a slightly pushy, but oddly likable merchant Mr. Cheng. Sadly, any transactions were canceled when the unfortunate shopkeeper was gunned down on behalf of a rival trying to take control of supply in the area.

Cue a short, fun little sidequest that saw us teach that malcontent a lesson he won’t remember (because we killed him), the rescue of a wonderfully spiky new ally, and even a new store in the area’s central hub.

Another hallmark of RPGs is character growth, and this is a very big deal in Outriders.

The game features a remarkably flexible system that lets you build up your character in dramatically different ways.

Every class has multiple skills available — although you can only have a few of them equipped at a time. Then there are character mods — and these can be a literal game-changer.

When you level up, you’ll earn class points, which you can use to modify your character. These could be stat boosts to improve particular skills, or buffs that make you more effective with firearms — but right from the start you’ll have a surprising amount of control over how your Outrider grows.

Do you prefer to use cover to advance up the battlefield? Do you want to be a hit and run slasher, or do you want to run and gun? With the hero tree, you can modify your stats in order to support the playstyle that you prefer.

The result is that no two characters will feel the same — even if they’re the same class. Two Pyromancers, for example, could play very differently, with different strengths and weakness that let them take on different roles on the battlefield.

Have you recovered from that massive information dump for Outriders or do you still crave more? Does it sound too much like the plot of a few other RPGs out there or will it feel truly unique in the mix of it all? How do you feel about the healing mechanic that we will get here or will it seem a bit too convoluted to truly pay off? Let us know all of that and more down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. As more for Outriders drops on us, we will update you all here. Just be sure to keep checking in here for more on that and all kinds of other video game titles.