Half-Life: Alyx Has A Release Date For Us To Eyeball

Half-Life: Alyx — Key Art

The release date for Half-Life: Alyx is now set and we will be able to get into this VR version of Half-Life in March now

The headline here mainly says it all, we now have a release date for Half-Life: Alyx and when we will be taking a trip back into the universe in a not-so-third way. If you remember, this is the VR title set in the same universe with a bit of the story that Valve announced not so long ago. It got a lot of hopes up and slightly let down even though it is a solid return to the franchise. Well, it could be as we have yet to actually see or play Half-Life: Alyx as of yet. Even before the March 23rd release date that is now set down. Just a month to go on this one now.

While the date is nice to get, it would be nice to have something substantial to look at for Half-Life: Alyx right? Well, get ready to wait on that, sadly, as we still only have the stuff we have seen already to go back to. That is as of the original posting of this for those in the future who may want to call that out. I see you and are taking care to plan around that. For the rest of us, we get to sit back and wait for something to drop on us or just have the game in our laps in just over a month. Both could work out fine for us all.

Did you expect to see Half-Life: Alyx launch this soon since its announcement? Do you think this could be building up to something else that they have been working on and just a fast move to get the hype to a fever pitch? Do you not even have a VR setup and will have to miss out on this game for the most part? Let us know all of that and more down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. When we have anything more to share for Half-Life: Alyx, we will share it all here. All you have to do is keep checking back in for all of that and much more.